The sun is shining, the streets are heavy with footfalls. Activist hands are painted inky and the letterboxes of Scotland are singing. Up in the north west, the presses at the Kinlochbervie Chronicle - Scotland's only quality tri-monthly newspaper - are hot from their newest edition, with all the most up-to-date coverage from the Holyrood campaign. On Easter Monday, no doubt optimistically channelling the Passion Play of sacrifice and redemption, Scottish Labour relaunched its hirpling campaign by revealing, to universal surprise, that the Scottish National Party are nationalists. The Kinlochbervie Chronicle's political correspondent, Ecclefechan Mackay (MA), was on the scene. However, unlike the so-called "quality press" of Scotland's chubby midriff, Mackay followed Gray to the relaunch of his relaunch, held yesterday in the Highlands. In association with the Chronicle, therefore, I give you his exclusive coverage of the event...

"Labour launch re-launch launched"The Kinlochbervie Chronicle 27th April 2011
The rain was shining over Culloden moor yesterday, as Scottish Labour leader Iain Gray relaunched his party's relaunch with a keynote speech, attacking what he called the SNP's "execrable Jacobitism". In a passionate harangue delivered to a packed audience of five American tourists, Gray said "voters of Scotland, hear the message of hope I bring. Alex Salmond is a Jacobite relic of Scotland. Labour stands strong behind the House of Hanover and the 17th century Whig hegemony which has secured the Culloden visitor attraction for Scotland so well." Criticising the SNP's custodianship, Gray continued, "this centre was built to celebrate the triumph of His Majesty's loyal forces over the Young Pretender. Under the SNP, that message has been totally distorted. It's a scandal."
Widely interpreted as an attempt to shore up Labour's Hanovarian base, Gray warned that "the SNP's plans are not so much for Scottish Water, as for the King over the Water" and pledged that Labour would "speak up for ordinary, middle class public sector employees, loyal to the King and the best traditions of the Constitution". Reminding the electorate about "real threat" posed by Salmond's "junto of Jacobite knaves" after the Nats' famous victory in the Jimmiekrankie by-election of 1689, the Labour leader cited a range of SNP measures from Holyrood's last term, building up a comprehensive indictment of the disloyalty of his Nationalist opponents. Calling the SNP's register of tartans a "plaid-pretext for rebellion", Gray questioned the SNP's "claymore, targe and blue-bonnet apprentice" strategy, promising that a Labour administration would introduce "higher quality" apprenticeships, giving young Scots the opportunity to work in Brown Bess musketry production and in scarlet-coat dyeries. Pointing to the clear symbolism of the white roses, worn by SNP parliamentarians at the opening of Holyrood in 2007, Gray argued that "Alex Salmond's first thought on taking office in 2007 was to pin the Pretender's white cockade to his tit. Why should Scots expect any different in 2011?"
Notoriously neutral academic observer, Professor Mogg-Tallagher, believes that Salmond's conversion to Jacobitism occurred during a visit from the French ambassador in 2006, who promising the First Minister the title of Viscount Linlithgow and a tasting directorship in the East India Company, an Edinburgh currymerchant specialising in Gujurati and Punjabi cuisine, if the House of Stuart could be recalled from exile and successfully restored to the Scottish throne. "It's as plain as the korma in your tin platter", Mogg-Tallagher said. "Decent Hanovarian voters have to realise that a vote for the SNP is a vote for the Young Pretender, Charles Edward Stuart. Frankly, I don't see what's so Bonny about that and I believe most loyal Scots will agree with me and not that grovelling lickspittle, Alex Salmond."
Accompanying Gray's second keynote denunciation, Labour launched a slew of new celebrity endorsements. William Augustus, the "Red" Duke of Cumberland, said "the Honourable and right-trusty Member for East Lothian is the only Scottish politician who realises that this election is, first and foremost, about maintaining the Hanovarian succession. That's why he is my choice to lead His Majesty's Scottish Ministers". Calton Graveyard-based Labour voter, David Hume, 300, told the Kinlochbervie Chronicle, "I'm delighted to see that Scottish Labour is offering real solutions to our 18th century problems. Frankly, the SNP's dereliction of duty over the last four years has been nothing short of a disgrace." The Duke and Hume join Sir Walter Scott, manager of the Waverley United football team and Labour's only current supporter.
Interviewed by the Chronicle, Gray appealed to Scotland's liberally-minded Episcopalians of wavering loyalty to the Hanovarian line, identified by pollsters as the key "bobbing John" demographic in this election. Gray said "If you don't want Lizzie Windsor exiled to Germany and replaced by an effete, autocratic scion of the House of Stuart, don't vote SNP. It's that simple."
An SNP party spokesman insisted "Labour just don't understand that the real choice facing Scots is one between a Scottish or a German diaspora tyrant. The SNP stands up for Scotland". Labour's campaign co-ordinator defended his leader's speech, saying "All we hear from the SNP these days is their excellent new song of rebellion, stirring up Jacobite feeling. Iain has pledged to focus on what really matters: defending the Hanovarian succession from Nationalist predations." Sources close to 10 Downing Street say that the possibility of a Nationalist majority in Holyrood continues to provoke real concerns in London, but the Prime Minister's spokesman dismissed the claims. "Alex Salmond may be a great man for the gee-gees, but he'll be turned back at this Derby", he quipped. Prince Charles Edward Stuart inclined to comment. The campaign continues.
Other news in brief
Tory "common sense" policies philosophe-icly undermined
The Scottish Conversative Party's Holyrood campaign has been rocked by expert claims that "common sense is not so common". Monsieur Arouet, a French-born expert based in Fernex, reported his controversial findings in the authoritative Dictionnaire Philosophique in 1764. Tavish Scott has demanded that Goldie refer herself to the Electoral Commission immediately. Playing down any official action against them, John Lamont, Tory candidate for Ettrick, Roxburgh and Berwickshire conceded, "Everybody's awfully embarrassed about this. We thought we were onto something, but the independent research is irrefutable. We can only apologise to the Scottish people." Another senior party aide told us, "we're confident Annabel Goldie's common-senseless relaunch tomorrow will mend the fences."
God Save the King!
ReplyDeleteDearie me, is the tube short of a Subway seriously offended by the Bonny Eck and his Rising (is that decent by the way?) in trying to out-launch him.
ReplyDeleteNewly returned from the suburbs of Reiff, I can testify that the sway of political bills flapping from the main drag Passing Place signs indicates a strong interest in the nationalist cause as opposed to the usual LibDem bias.
Visiting Inversneckie this weekend I will be on the alert for any sign of Cumberland conversion but will remain convinced that the Little White Puddin' of Scotland will prevail.
Gray sent a challenge from ASDA
ReplyDelete"Alex, meet me an ye daur,
I'll be by the Stella Artois
If you meet me in the morning."
Hey Iain Gray are ye waking yet?
Are ye're gums a-beating yet?
If you were waking, I would wait
To gang to the polls in the morning
But Gray he kept strangely mute
When asked if he was hingin aboot
To the lavvy he did scoot
Tae cack himsel in the morning
It seems to me that the cock has ascended the dungheep and is crowing aloud before the sun has peeped above the horizon.......
ReplyDeletePerhaps a mole-toast, celebrating the wee black slayer of William III _ "To the little gentleman in black velvet!" Presumably not a reference to Alex Salmond's royal wedding outfit of velveteen jabot and frilly cuffs...
Glasgow Cooncil have passed a by-law, abolishing the use of electioneering posters around here. As a consequence, the city is denied its traditional splash of campaign colour and the play of red and yellow and blue - and so on.
Although I sympathise with the activists, now prevented from shimmying up the lampposts, and although I suspect they did little practical good - I do miss the sense that with them, the election unavoidable invaded your visual field, inscribed on the fabric of community life. As a result, the election does feel a touch abstract here, this time around.
Bravo! You should put that up on your blog.
It amuses me that so many folk are making every poxy, independent cybernat unofficial representatives of the SNP. Our mildest show of good cheer at decent polling is taken as evidence of an overweening conceit and that the party is no longer taking the campaign seriously. This is, needless to say, not true. I'm sure my fellow nationalists would be frightfully keen to be tried separately from yours truly. When Labour sets up its military, anti-Jacobite tribunals, that is...
I like that CT's highly-appropriate comment came in at 17:45. And in a mild admonishment of yourself, LPW, aren't you talking of the wicked usurper William II, not III, of this country at any rate?
ReplyDeleteGray, the man who put panache into panic - it has to be said Ecclefechan Mackay is a man who paints caricatures with words.
ReplyDeleteQuestion is; will the Dim-bleby recognise his worth and have him on QT as an interlocutor to Starkey?
Am Firinn,
ReplyDeleteHa! Well, spotted. I'd missed it with my mole-close squinting gaze. I do hope Catholic Teuchtar didn't sit too long in front of his screen, to claim the Jacobite hour! You are also quite correct about Dutch Willie. Oxford must be rubbing away at my (already scanty) command of Scottish history.
I'm sure Mr Mackay (MA) would be only too pleased to have the opportunity gustily to opine and inflict his cherished opinions on a Question Time audience. No doubt his invitation is in the post! ;-)
LPW, is it possible to be opposed to overweaning conceit and vote for Alex Salmond....?
ReplyDeleteoxymoron, surely...
As some of your Labour colleagues have been quick to remind us, Alex Salmond is on the ballot in Aberdeenshire East and whether or not he is elected is obviously a matter for them.
ReplyDeleteAs for the thrust of your point, you dodge my argument. Although I doubt things would be better if things were on the other foot. If Labour were ten points ahead, cybernats would likely be deploying the arguments used by Labour now. However, they are pretty ludicrous. One independently operating blogger does not a party make.
LPW, I'm not deploying any arguments. I merely said that any claim of victory is premature.
ReplyDeleteAnd the SNP is not ten points ahead, whatever you may have read in the nationalist press.
Or should that be Tory/Nat press...........?
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely. And I'm yet to meet the Nationalist activist who believed that the SNP is ten points ahead. Out and about, all I've encountered was skepticism (leavened with a little encouragement). As for your second point, we're hardly talking about something concocted by the papers, are we? This is polling conducted by YouGov. I'm naturally happy to entertain an argument about their methodology - or some substantial analysis of their findings or the problems that there might be with them - but vague allegations of impropriety, simply because one finds their polling results disappointing? We can't even have a reasonable discussion, on the basis of that.
ReplyDeleteI didn't mention YouGov. I did mention the Scottish press which seems more than content to give the SNP an easy ride. Can it be denied?
ReplyDeleteThe reasons being that the press is by and large Conservative and, being unable to support the Tories, chooses the next "best" thing, i.e the SNP.
The right wing sticking together to stop progressive politics is not a new or surprising thing after all.
I couldn't resist coming back to note that Braveheart was absolutely correct about the SNP not being ten points ahead. It was more!
ReplyDeleteHa! My seer-credentials proved just as poor. I dare say however, Am Firinn, that Braveheart has found his want of prophecy more upsetting than I have!